Monday 2 January 2012


As I expected, my weight is up a bit from Christmas Day, but just over a pound, so I'm OK with that!  I've managed to get power walking on the 26th, the 31st, and today, so am getting back into the swing of things.
I'll be weighing myself again in a few days, at the year mark, to see the final tally for the year's weight loss!  I'm excited to know what it will be!


Don't want to get too excited about my weight today, as it's Christmas, and I intend to eat every bit of dinner!  So I expect my weight will go up a bit over the next week, and that's OK.  It'll come back off. 
The weather has been crap this month, and lots of O/T at work.  My daughter has a new job starting at 4:00 A.M.  She doesn't drive.  There's no buses at 3 A.M.  So it's early mornings for me too, and I've been exhausted.  Even with the treadmill in the garage, my workouts haven't been as consistent, but I'm doing what I can.
Importantly, I'm so happy with my weight loss over this year, glad that I've done it slowly and consistently over the 12 months!  I'm down several sizes~the last jeans I bought were a size 2~and I love the things I can wear now!  At work I've gone from large to extra-small scrubs, altho usually I prefer the longer leg length of smalls.
Will be back in the New Year!