Sunday, 17 July 2011

July 17th~

Weight's hovering around 135-137.  I'm finding it's a little tougher to lose these last 10 or so pounds, despite power walking nearly every day!  Am hoping to lose them by the end of the summer, in time to have boudoir photos done for my birthday and family photos done for holiday cards~obviously 2 different sessions!
Yesterday I went to a former co-workers' home for a wine-tasting party.  It was a hoot and a half!  I'm not much of a wine drinker, I prefer the fruity-girly martinis~and have a horrendous alcohol allergy, particularly wicked with white wine~but took some medication (proving the better living thru chemicals theory! :)) and was able to sample some of the reds.  My own offering tho, was a bit more complicated.  Unable to find my current fave, 'Whipped Cream Vodka' at the government grocery, (we get it at a little specialty shop nearby) I decided to pick up 'Tuscan Lemonade'  a yummy pre-mix martini-in-a-bottle.  But when my ride was on it's way, it was nowhere to be found!  After frantically searching, I finally grabbed our bottle of Whipped Cream Vodka from the cupboard and some orange juice from the fridge.  And there it was~chilling!  No surprise really, 'cuz ya want it cold!  So I took both.  And as good as the Tuscan Lemonade is, the Whipped Cream Vodka was the party hit! Mixed with OJ it's an instant creamsickle! It's excellent in hot chocolate, and mixed with root beer it's just like a root beer float!  Seriously, it's the best thing ever, and no one there had heard of it.  We had some terrific drinks and appies and it was so fun catching up with people I no longer work with.  Best of all, I actually lost weight between yesterday and today!
(photo by: Karin C.)

Monday, 4 July 2011

JULY 4~135.8

Remember the Biggest Loser contest?  Picked up my prize on Friday~Canada Day!  I had a Turquoise and silver ring made!  It was so exciting to see it, I'd talked to the jeweller about the stone, but had no idea what the finished ring would look like.  I love it!  It's bold and one-of-a-kind~alot like me!  Well, not that I'm bold, really,  but definately one-of-a-kind.
Friday was Canada day.  Mostly I chillaxed.  Made maple mini-donuts in the afternoon.  In the evening I power walked to a nearby lake to catch the fireworks~they were awesome!  And then power walked back home...
Saturday found me overcoming my fear of propane as I barbequed!   Sunday too!  Bacon wrapped chicken and sliders, both with huge salads.  Today I'm quite tired and taking the day off.   I'll be back at 'er tomorrow!
Am going to do my body a favor and get to bed early tonight...

Saturday, 2 July 2011

JUNE~137.8 38 1/2-29-38 1/4

I've surpassed the 20 pound mark!  Still a ways to go, but I'm feeling very proud of myself!

Signed up for an online bootcamp~thru No Excuses Workouts~not the early morning, intense workouts, but geared toward attitude changing and mindset adjusting!    Good timing too~I've started slipping bread into my diet~and last months cutting out workouts is making me feel lazy!  The weather's starting to improve and mid-month brings a committment to power walk 5-7 days/week.  My daughter is working at 6 AM for the next few weeks and I've started power walking before work.  Notice increased energy!  It's a great start to the day!!

Had a great time at the re-union!  It  was fun to re-connect with everyone!  I'd had a power walk right before going, so felt energized and fabulous~and altho the color hasn't come thru well with this photo, I think I look pretty fabulous too!

MAY~141.2 37 3/4-29 1/4-38 1/2

Feelin' pretty sassy!  I've had to shop for some new duds and to my delight, I can wear skinny jeans!  I'm excited about my high-school reunion next month~ I've found and purchased a fabulous, figure hugging dress for the cocktail reception!  Can't wait to wear it!

APRIL~144.5 38-29 3/4-39 1/2

Last year these capris were sooo tight! Now they are huge on me!  I'm very excited, and head off to find the 'give-away 'box in the garage.  And promptly retrieve some cute capris and a jacket, 'cuz now they fit!

Other exciting news: I won the biggest loser with my 13.9 lb weight loss!   The prize: $50.00 gift certificate of my choice! 
April's wet, rainy weather puts a bit of a damper on my workouts, as I keep waiting for the rain to stop.  This means most of my power walking is done at the end of the week, when it's obvious that it's not going to....